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Oil and Gas Industry
Project planning management and progress analysis; Offline data collection; Report generation;

OIL & GAS industry is vital to the economies of many countries.


INSIGHT provides two powerful solutions to maximize O&G resources.


INSIGHT serves as a national portal to the OIL & GAS industry. It is an advanced virtual data room where potential investors can explore and analyze relevant data, from satellite imagery to thematic data and oil specific data. As a result, decision making process is shorter and based on reliable data.


Once an exploration project becomes relevant, INSIGHT is the web-based GIS to carry out the project: it enables users to access project data, update and analyze it, create data, archive reports and more. INSIGHT was born in the field AND designed for simple and commutable use, even from a tent.    


INSIGHT includes an embedded reports generator and automatically archives all daily reports generated by the system. INSIGHT GIS contains various monitoring and analysis tools especially developed for the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry. It contains advanced project progress and planning tools to help allocate resources according to project real progress and project needs.   

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 by MEDVA GIS Ltd. from

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